What is ADHD?

ADHD is the abbreviation of the term for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Children with ADHD are hyperactive, impulsively and have difficulties concentrating. ADHD is most often diagnosed in children who are between 4 to 16 years old. For a long time ADHD was considered as a mental impairment which was limited to children. They would eventually overcome it. Nowadays we have become familiar with adult ADHD.

These adults have less hyperactive behaviour, but experience problems concentrating and cope with feelings of inner disorder. They can be very chaotic and restless, are often late at appointments, talk a lot and frequently change jobs. ADHD occurs frequently in combination with rebellious or aggressive behaviour. Although this more often develops in boys then in little girls.

For a long time it has been thought that ADHD would heal, once children reached adulthood. But that idea has changed. Of the people who are treated, on third will continue to have ADHD symptoms in adulthood. Half of them experience their problems in a milder form, but consider them still unpleasant. On third of the phenomena usually disappears entirely.

3 up to 5% of the children up to 16 years have ADHD. Of the young adults 1 up to 3% have ADHD.

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