ADD in Children

Children with Attention Deficit Disorder - inattentive subtype are not easily noticed because they show no busy (hyper active) behavior. ADD children often show rather passive behavior in contrast to ADHD children. They are quiet and thoughtful. A much heard observation by teachers who have a child with ADD in their class is "although the child does seem to have a lot of potential, it doesn't become visible". In most of the cases this is true!

Many ADDers are incapable of concentrating for a long amount of time at one specific subject. It is simply so, that children with ADD are less equipped to produce the required motivation when doing things that they consider uninteresting. The brain is consequently seeking something that interesting or more exciting.

Tip: Agree with the child on a 'indicator'. A quiet gesture that can bring back the attention when he/she seems to go astray. Do this in an inconspicuous manner to avoid feelings of shame. A teacher can, for example, lean with his/her hand on the child's table.

Particularly little girls with ADD seem to go unnoticed. They are timidly and absent. ADD children frequently have few friends, are very sensitive, spend a great amount of time n their sleeping room and are particularly chaotic. They often show strong feelings if confronted with something the consider unjust. These children feel solitary and misunderstood. The perseverance of ADD children is nevertheless striking, as well as their intelligence and humour.

Tip: Give the child regular and frequent pauses or diverse task.

ADD-ers learn themselves methods to raise or compensate their lack of concentration. For this they go to the extreme. A small group learns to use or develops a capacity to 'Hyper focus'. One must be aware that the concentration span of a child with ADD is shorter and that one needs to give them variation.

Tip: Look the child in the eyes during a conservation and make sure that you're understood by means of asking feedback.

ADD-ers are able to look like they are understanding what you're saying whereas their thoughts are at other things. People are often unaware of the inner restlessness, self-criticism and enormous efforts to people with Attention Deficit Disorder experience to compensate for their disorder. Because of this this ADD-ers frequently do not get a proper diagnosis.

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